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Identify your accessory

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All about your Eve accessory

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My Eve devices appear as "not responding" after a while, what should I do?
When using Apple Home – can I combine Matter and HomeKit-enabled accessories in an automation or scene?
After migration to Matter, I cannot add my device any more.
What’s going to happen with my HomeKit accessories?

All about Matter


The future of smart home has arrived.

Matter is here – and the first Eve devices are ready to be used with the new standard for smart home devices! 


Déclarations de Conformité

Téléchargez les Déclarations de Conformité (EU et UK), MSDS (Material safety data sheets), UN 38.3 test summary etUK PSTI ici Déclarations de Conformité bibliothèque

Tous les informations sur la sécurité des produits

Download the Eve app

Use the free Eve app to access and control all your 
HomeKit-enabled accessories.