Use Cases HomeKit | Eve Door & Window Eve Thermo

Five great reasons why contact sensors are a must in every HomeKit home

Feb 5, 2020 - by Lars - Comments

Ever since the introduction of iOS 10, which expanded HomeKit’s functionality to include automations and notifications, contact sensors such as Eve Door & Window have become an indispensable and versatile provider of triggers, conditions and status information for users looking to do more with their tech. Reasonably priced, a breeze to install and easy to set up, Eve Door & Window offers incredible value for money with a host of benefits in one practical package.


In our blogpost we’ll show you how you can make the most out of Eve Door & Window based on common usage scenarios.



…For security:

Did I close the windows and doors at home? We’ve all had that sinking feeling at some point after leaving home that we didn’t close them – and it always seems to strike at some really inopportune moment, such as when you’re en route to the airport, you’re at the pool and a storm rolls in, or when you’re just about to fall asleep. With all key entry points and windows equipped with contact sensors and the Eve app installed on your iPhone, you’ll be able to see at a glance whether you actually closed them – anytime, anywhere. 

Open Eve > Rooms and set the view to Types by tapping the button at the top of the screen. If Contact isn’t listed, tap Edit. Scroll down and tap the green plus icon to move Contact from the hidden to the visible part of the list. Following that, tap Done.

Now tap Contact to view all sensors and their current status arranged by room in a handy, clear list. Expand entries for a timeline view of when a door or window was last opened or closed, or tap the list icon for a table view. In our example the windows and doors are closed, and the last time someone played the piano was a few days ago.

…For keeping yourself updated:

Using smart home accessories to spy on family members, domestic helps, babysitters and neighbors you’ve roped in to water the plants is a definite no-no, and rightly so. By contrast, many parents will be familiar with the situation where they want to know on the go whether their kids are home safely from school or if they’ve left home on time to go play sports. Apple Watch will notify you when the front door has been opened and closed at the expected time – giving you peace of mind so you can carry on with what you’re doing.

You can configure notifications in Apple Home. In the Rooms section, swipe to navigate to the room that Eve Door & Window is assigned to. Press and hold the tile to bring up the detail view, then tap the gear icon. Now tap Status and Notifications, turn on the option Notifications on this iPhone as well as “Receive Notifications When: When I am not home”.

Exit the dialog and switch to the Watch app. There, tap My Watch > Notifications and turn on “Mirror iPhone Alerts From: Home”.

…For saving energy:

Many smart radiator valves, including Eve Thermo, detect sudden temperature drops using built-in mechanisms. They are designed to pause the heater automatically if a room is being aired. But just how quickly and reliably that happens depends on the room’s layout, the internal and external temperature, the depth of the windowsill, and many other factors. You can avoid this uncertainty and stop tossing expensive heat out the window by combining Eve Thermo and Eve Door & Window in the same room for 100% reliability. 

The easiest way to link Eve Door & Window and Eve Thermo via HomeKit rules is to use the Eve app, where you can accomplish everything at the touch of a button. Add Eve Thermo and Eve Door & Window and make sure both accessories are assigned to the same room. In the Room view, tap the name of your Eve Door & Window accessory and in the detail view turn on the option Control Eve Thermo. The app will then create all the required rules and scenes in the background.

Alternatively, open Eve > Settings > Accessories > [Eve Thermo] > Window Detection and turn on the sensor there. And if a window is kept open, under Maximum Pause you can also set how soon you want heating to resume to prevent the room cooling down.

…For smart lighting:

HomeKit-controlled lighting is fun, from dimming the lights by asking Siri to experimenting with the app’s color wheel. That said, lighting only becomes truly smart if it adapts without you having to lift a finger. This is where HomeKit’s location-based triggers come into play. Here, triggers switch the lighting on or off depending on whether you’re arriving or leaving home based on your iPhone’s location. The Apple platform also offers schedules triggered by the time of day or events. The third option is sensor-based control, where products such as Eve Door & Window in particular are the most popular option alongside motion sensors. In our example you’ll program HomeKit to turn on the light in the hallway as soon as someone enters your home after sunset. 

Open Eve > Automation > Rules and tap Add Rule. After tapping Next in the info window, select Contact as the trigger and then the sensor you fitted to your front door, plus the Off option. Tap Add, then Next. In the Conditions section, tap Add Time Condition followed by the options Day Event, After and Sunset.    

Tap Next followed by Add Scene at the bottom of the Scenes window followed by Add Actions. From the list of rooms, tap Hallway followed by the option Power > On for your light or light switch. Now tap Add, then Next. Name your scene – such as Hallway Light – and then tap Done and Next. Save your rule under a name of your choice by tapping Done.

…For fitting to anything and by anyone – including those who suck at DIY:

Thanks to its replaceable 1/2AA (ER14250 3.6V) lithium battery, Eve Door & Window is extremely compact, completely wireless and an absolute breeze to install. All you need to do is stick the tiny magnet and miniscule 5cm-wide sensor to any flat surface. It doesn’t even matter if your door’s recessed behind the frame, as Eve Door & Window includes super-useful spacers so you can line up the top of the magnet with the sensor for optimal performance. Eve Door & Window fits on your pet door, piano, refrigerator, garage door, window shutters and even your mailbox – the possibilities are endless.


It’s important to note that you need a home hub such as HomePod or Apple TV to trigger automations and receive notifications when you’re away from home.

Wireless Contact Sensor
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Requires iOS/iPadOS 16.4 (or later) / Android™ 8.1 (or later), Matter controller / Thread Border Router

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Hallo Volker, ich habe ein Problem mit dem Fenstersensor. Da der Fensterrahmen bei mir zuhause zu dick ist (dicker als der Sensor selbst), kann ich den Sensor nicht montieren. Dafür brauche ich Plättchen(‚ (mind 1 cm dick), die ich unter dem Sensor kleben könnte. In der Beschreibung des Produkts steht aber, dass dieses auf alle Fenster montiert werden kann. Gibt es die Möglichkeit eine telefonische Beratung zu dem Thema zu bekommen? Vielleicht habe ich einen Denkfehler...
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jan 17, 2021
Hallo Slavik!
Die beiden Teile des Eve Door & Window müssen nur in der Nähe zueinander sein, das lässt sich testen ohne sie zu verkleben. Ist die Batterie in der Haupteinheit, leuchtet die rote LED beim simulierten Öffnen/Schließen. Falls das nicht hilft, schick mir bitte ein Foto der Einbau-Situation an [email protected]. Viele Grüße, Volker
Jan 18, 2021
I would like to anable to receive notifications and trigger atgions if a window or door is left opened after some period of time.
Jan 8, 2021
Hello Florin! When a home hub is around you will receive a text notification on the change of the status. HomeKit does not allow other settings. I know of some users having the app Shortcuts from Apple for this job. Best regards, Volker
Jan 8, 2021
da bei den Beispielen auch ein Garagentor genannt wird mal die Frage, in welchem Temperaturbereich kann denn Door&Window betrieben werden?
Ich überlege diese an meinen Rolladen auf der Innenseite anzubringen. Im Winter könnte es also schon kalt werden, aber es bleibt dort trocken. 
Überlebt der Klebestreifen die Wettersituation in Deutschland?
Vielen Dank vorab
Jan 8, 2021
Hallo Sven! Ich würde das nicht empfehlen, auch nicht für den Klebestreifen. Eve Door & Window ist nur für den Innenbereich, Umgebungsbedingungen 0°C - 35°C, 5% - 95% Luftfeuchtigkeit. Viele Grüße, Volker
Jan 8, 2021
Hallo, wenn ich manuell das Eve Thermostat anstelle funktioniert zwar das Erkennen und Pausieren der Heizkörper, er stellt sich nach dem Schließen des Fensters aber auf die 10 Grad zurück, nicht auf die vorher eingestellten 23 Grad. Während eines Heizplans funktioniert die Regel einwandfrei. Was mache ich falsch?
Nov 22, 2020
Hallo Holger! Wenn es um die Fenstererkennung geht, die setzt eine Steuerzentrale in Reichweite voraus, also ein Apple TV 4/4K oder einen HomePod/HomePod mini. Beim Öffnen des Fensters wird dann das Ventil geschlossen und beim Schließen wieder die vorher gewählte Temperatur oder die aus dem Zeitplan gewählt. Viele Grüße, Volker
Nov 23, 2020
Hallo Volker, ich würde gerne eine Mitteilung erhalten, wenn der letzte das Haus verlässt und noch ein Fenster oder eine Tür offen ist. Dann ist der Weg zurück noch nicht so weit ;-)
Gibt es a eine Lösung?
VG, Axel
Aug 8, 2020
Hallo Axel,
HomeKit bietet das leider nicht, sorry. Was Du machen kannst, ist die App Kurzbefehle von Apple dafür nutzen. Einige Kunden mit dem selben Wunsch machen das. Viele Grüße und eine schöne Woche, Volker
Aug 10, 2020
Hallo Axel!
Wie schon gesagt bietet das HomeKit nicht, somit gibt es auch keinen Workaround. Mit der App Kurzbefehle von Apple sollte das aber klappen. Viele Grüße, Volker
Sep 14, 2020
Hallo Lars,
was ist denn mit dem Thema Eve Window Guard und der Zusammenarbeit mit EiMSIG?
Mittlerweile kann man die EiMSIG Version bereits auf Amazon bestellen, tut sich da noch was bei Euch oder muss ich direkt bei EiMSIG kaufen?
Gruß Klaus
May 4, 2020
Hallo Klaus!
Das Eimsig-Produkt lässt sich mit der aktuellen Version der Eve App nutzen und bietet den Funktionsumfang von Eve Window Guard. Der Preis für Eve Window Guard, das in 4-6 Wochen verfügbar sein wird, bewegt sich auf demselben Niveau.
Viele Grüße, Lars
May 5, 2020
Hallo Volker,
Danke für die positiven Nachrichten.

Gruß Klaus
May 5, 2020
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