Eve Thermo Adapter
Like other thermostats, Eve Thermo comes with a standard M30x1.5 connection for your heater’s valve. In addition, the box contains RA, RAV and RAVL adapters for Danfoss heaters. Eve Thermo can easily be connected to over 90 percent of all radiators without requiring any type of adapter. Only those who have very old radiators in their homes or who use unique solutions require adapters to connect Eve Thermo to their radiator valves.
Those looking for a suitable adapter to connect Eve Thermo to a very old or rare heating system can find information on valves and adapters at Energenie UK, Heating Controls Online or Conrad UK.
Eve Thermo is made in Germany.
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- Reply
Bonjour,Je ne parviens pas à installer mon eve thermo.
J’ai essayé avec les adaptateurs fournis, mais cela bloque à l’étape de l’étalonnage. J’ai également essayé avec l’astuce de la pièce de deux centimes. Mais là aussi cela ne fonctionne pas.
Voici des photos de mon radiateur. Pouvez-vous me dire si l’un des trois adaptateurs fournis devrait normalement permettre d’installer la vanne ou bien s’il faut obligatoirement que j’achète un autre adaptateur ? Dans ce cas, pourriez-vous me donner un lien pour l’acheter ? (sur Amazon par exemple)
Un grand merci par avance
- Reply
Bonjour. Voir ma réponse à votre ticket de support technique.- Reply
Où puis-je trouver votre réponse à mon ticket? Je n’ai reçu aucun mail…- Reply
Merci de vérifier vos dossiers spams/indésirables. Attention, pas seulement le dossier local mais aussi le dossier de votre compte GMail sur le site web de GMail.- Reply
Bonjour j'ai acheté une eve Thermo pour tester le mode connecté. Or je suis surpris de ne pas pouvoir l'adapter sur mon radiateur. Même avec les trois adaptateurs fournis cela ne s'adapte pas.Je suis désagréablement surpris car je pensais que tout cela était bien normé or ce n'est pas le cas.
J'ai actuellement des valves thermostatique Compass qui s'adapte sur mes radiateur. Quel adaptateur puis-je mettre afin que eve Thetmo puisse se fixer ?
- Reply
Bonjour. Nous ne fournissons que les 3 adaptateurs les plus utilisés sur le marché (Danfoss RA, RAV et RAVL). Contactez le support technique sur https://www.evehome.com/fr/support/ticket pour obtenir d'autres listes d'adaptateurs- Reply
Hi Volker, maybe you can put this in your knowledge base if you think it is useful:Loose Fit Tip - when trying to use Eve Thermo on old Drayton TRV3 valves, using a ‘Tensor HS-TRVD-AD Adaptor for Drayton TRV3 Thermostat Radiator Valves’ adaptor made by Tensor and sold by Heatingsave in the UK. The issue is that even when tightened to the adaptor, the Eve Thermo remains loose when the valve is fully open (24’C-30’C), even after multiple calibration attempts. A 0.5mm (maximum) thick metal shim/washer/spacer with an Outside Diameter (OD) of 26mm and an Inside Diameter (ID) >6mm fixes this. The spacer is placed between the new Eve Thermo and the adaptor, so the Eve Thermo tightens perfectly onto the adaptor and is no longer a loose fit.
F.Y.I. The adaptors can be purchased from this website and are £10.47 each.
Postage is high, but this is how the companies flat rate shipping is done unfortunately.
These adapters save a lot of work and money replacing old valves though, so I think it’ll be worth it. I am currently testing the adapter with one Eve Thermo and will install another 3 soon, so let me know if you are interested in the outcome.
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It seems that I have a RA/N valve and would like to use my 2 Thermo's.Does anyone have a adapter that would make this connection work?
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Hello Joonas! For RA-N you will need an adapter, I have only this URL:Danfoss RA-N auf M30x1,5
Best regards, Volker
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Hi, are these thermostatic heads compatible with Danfoss RAS-C2 valves?- Reply
Hello Rod! Sorry, I don't have any in my list. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi, We just received our first Eve Thermo to test with and none of the included adapters appear to fit our UK radiators. I have tried 2 of our different radiators.How do we get this to fit please?
Thanks, Mark
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Hello Mark! Our support pages are better to troubleshoot this:https://www.evehome.com/en/support/ticket
But as you are here already, what is the manufacturer printed on the old manual thermostat.
Best regards, Volker
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Hi Volker, Thanks for the reply!One of the TRV's says'
Terrier on the front.
42 - EN215 - PEGLER on the rear.
Any ideas?
- Reply
Hello Mark! Sorry, I do have neither in my list. You may need to check with a plumber what valve they set in your heater. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hello,My radiator has a Danfoss RA 2000 connection. Will the included RA adapter work for me? Thanks!
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Hello Bill, this should work. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi,I have two Eve Thermo. One is in use on an radiator previously fitted with a Danfoss RA as works great. The other I am trying to fit on an older floor heating system. The previous valve was a Danfoss RAVK. I used the RAV-adapter which fitted perfectly on the brass connector on the heating system. I fit the Eve Thermo on the adapter, but the calibration failed with the code E1. I tried the 2-cent trick, but still the calibration fails. I also tried deeper "adapters" between the valve pin and the motorised on/off switch in the Eve Thermo thinking the distance from the motor to the pin was too deep. Out of ideas now. Anyway to get this working with the RAVK?
Kind Regards
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Hello Henning! Unfortunately Eve Thermo does not support floor heating, sorry. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi,I have bought 4 Eve Thermos but they don't fit my radiators with any of the adapters that come with eve.
Can someone give me a link where I can order an adapter for this kind of radiator?
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Hello Mirza! I would recommend opening a ticket in our support system, it is made for it.https://www.evehome.com/en/support/ticket
But as you are here already: What manufacturer name is printed on the old manual thermostat?
Best regards, Volker
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Hi, I am looking for an adapter to connect Eve Thermo to Danfoss RDR vent. Do you know what adapter shoul I look for? Thank you. Petr- Reply
Hello, we have 3 different sign types at our heating pipelines. 1st: “pi”-like symbol, F OV; 2nd: DN10; 3rd: DN15. Current thermoheads are Oventrop at all of them. Is it possible to know what adapters (if any) should I use to mount the Eve Thermo? Thank You very much!- Reply
Hello filip! It depends as ther are different valve types used by Oventrop. The new ones are M30x1,5, not needing an adapter. Older M30x1,5 fit but are not ready for thermostats with a motor. And a third group is M30x1,0 that always needs an adapter. You may need to ask a pro (plumber) . Best regards, Volker- Reply
Thanks, Volker. Can You tell me how do I identify the vent isn’t ready for motorized thermostat? Can I measure there some proportions to recognize current valve type and find the right adapter without hiring a plumber?- Reply
Hello Filip! The ones I know of (I have two in my own flat) Eve Thermo fits (M30x1,5) but can't be fastened. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hello, I just would like to offer a solution for Oventrop 30x1,5 ventil owners which cannot tighten Eve Thermo at it (after fastening still loose). I developed a working adapter to be easily 3D printed and inserted between the thermo head and ventil. No problem to provide the 3D model via e-mail for those who are interested.- Reply
Hi Filip,I think I may need your adaptor. I have old radiators with DN10 A valves and Oventrop thermostats.Can you provide me with the 3D model of the adaptor, please?
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Hi Filip, please could you send me the 3D model, for ideas?I have old Drayton thermostat heads. I believe +20 Years old. I think they are called Drayton TRV3 thermostat heads. I believe they are M27 x 1mm and the Valves are M30 x 1.5mm. I couldn't find any adaptors for them until last week, when I found a single company who made some! The adaptors do work, but the Eve Thermostat head is loose when 25'C or higher. I am testing them and they will probably do the job, which for me is more to do with limiting the temperature to save energy, by closing the valves when heat to the radiator is not needed. So as long as they close the valves for me I think it will be fine, but it would be nice if they fit exactly without any looseness.
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I have used Danfoss Living Connect thermostats and is now moving to Eve Thermo. For my radiators, I used this adapter: https://www.vvsobadrum.se/reservdelar/reservdelar-radiatorer/danfoss/danfoss-overgang-mma-m28-till-living-termostat. It's a M28 to M30 adapter. Will this work for Eve Thermo as well? I am concerned because when installed and calibrated, the radiators are way too warm, so my feeling is that it can't properly closde it. Do I need another adapter?- Reply
Hello Jonas! This may be ok, if the valve is an MMA, this is what the link says. These are the links I have for MMAMarkaryd (MMA) Adapter M28,5x1,5 to M30x1,5
You may want to open a ticket in our support system
After calibrating the valve should close if you set Modus to off in the app Eve. Best regards, Volker
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Hi Volker, I have 4 Eve Thermo's i am looking to install on Arroll Radiators and the link below is the valves that i need to get an adaptor for.https://www.arroll.co.uk/products/50/uk28/antique-brass#model
I believe they are 28mm TRV valves but i cannot be sure.
Clearer images of the valves are here: https://imgur.com/a/UyBruoy
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Daniel
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Hello Daniel! It is really hard only looking a valve photos. We have +70 valve types in Europe. The one in the link is not an adapter as far as I can see. What is the manufacturer printed on the old, manual thermostat. Best, Volker- Reply
Hi - I have just bought an Eve thermo to try out (I have 8 radiators waiting) and I have determined that my valve is a Danfoss RA. However, the adapter will not really fasten (even when I tighten the screw really really hard, the adapter can stil rotate and be taken off by hand. If I fasten the Eve Thermo onto the adapter, when Calibrating and just get an Error saying calibration failed . I can hear the Eve Thermo working when calibrating, first for a time, then pause, then failure notification and the it retracts I can hear.What to do to debug the installation?
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Hi, I'm Gianni from Italy. I bought Eve thermo in Amazon.it and, of course, She (?) doesn't fit on my Giacomini thermostatic valve so I only need an adaptor but: where to buy it? and which kind? I'm stuck.Thanks, Gianni
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Hello Gianni! I already answered your same question in Amazon Answers and in our support system. Please stick with one and don't double post. Thank you.Eve Thermo comes with the standard M30x1,5 connector and adapters for Danfoss RA, RAV and RAVL. Giacomini needs an adapter:
Giacomini to Heimeier M30x1,5
Best regards, Volker
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Hello,I got Eve Thermo for Christmas (yay!) but none of the adaptors fit my valve - I have uploaded an image here https://imgur.com/sIhBtMx
It's old, but not on/off valve as it has a valve now that I can set from off all the way to 5, so I am hopeful an adaptor might be available for this?
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Hi, I've just fitted a new Eve Thermo to a radiator that previously had a Myson TRV 2 way. It fitted OK and calibrated. However the radiator is on heating up although the Eve temperature is set at 14.5 C and the room temperature is 21 C. Do I need to do something else. I am wondering whether the Eve plunger is touching the valve pin?- Reply
Hello Philipp, after adding and calibrating in Eve the basic setup has to be done:How to set up Eve Thermo including the Offset
Important note: The temperature displayed below Target Temperature in Eve is measured by Eve Thermo way too close to the heater, please ignore it. Once an Offset is set, it will not be integrated here.
To set up Eve Thermo open the app Eve and goto
Settings > Accessories > Eve Thermo
Set Temperature Offset to 0 degrees.
Then in Eve goto Rooms > Eve Thermo and open Eve Thermo.
Set Target Temperature to 23 degrees for example and let it heat for 2-3 hours.
Then measure the temperature in the middle of the room with a thermometer, Eve Degree or Eve Room.
If it reads for example 20,5 degrees, goto
Settings > Accessories > Eve Thermo and set the Temperature Offset to -2,5 degrees.
You may have to adjust this over the next days a bit.
As stated before, the Temperature Offset is not taken into account in the temperature shown below Target Temperature.
Best regards, Volker
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Hello! I have a Pettinaroli thermostatic head. Can you please tell me what type of adapter I need to be able to use an Eve Thermo? Thanks! Nuno- Reply
Hello Nuno! I only have these here, German URLs but you will find out.Pettinaroli auf M30x1,5
Best regards, Volker
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Hello, I'm planning on fitting the Eve Thermo to another radiator and it has 1/2 written on it and also F-8164. I can't tell what company the valve is from but the logo looks like the pi symbol. Which adapter would I need for such a radiator please? Thank you, David- Reply
Hello David! In case this is an on/off valve as the other you have, it needs to be replaced by a plumper. We recommend betting ist replaced with a valve that hast the standard connector M30x1.5. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi Volker, I had a plumber come today to look at my radiators. He said he could change the joints for me to M30x1.5 but he said it wasn't guaranteed that the Eve Thermos will work with the radiators even after that. I don't know why he said that, he didn't seem to be a fan of smart thermostats. I'm not sure if he had encountered Eve Thermos before.Is there any reason why the Eve Thermo wouldn't work well with our radiators after we change the joints to M30x1.5? Our heating here is collective, so the water is the same temperature for all of the building (apartment block). I think the thing that controls the temperature is the amount the water that flows through the radiator, and that's controlled via the screw tap on each radiator. Thank you, David
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Hello David, as most modern thermostats als almost all smart thermostats use M30x1,5 valves it is a clever move to get tehm replaced. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hello, I have a radiator valve with "SAR 1/2" written on it. I understand this radiator company is old and now Euromap Comap now makes the valves for it.Here are two photos of the valve, one of the photos has a small metal adapter that I currently have on the radiator. I'm not sure of it's function but I can take it off:
There are two threads. The largest screw thread is 29mm and the smallest thread is 19mm. The distance between the end of the largest thread and the tip of the valve is about 3cm. The nut on the metal adapter I removed in one of the photos is 2cm in diameter. I measured all of that myself so it might be a millimetre or so off.
If you know what I need to get to fit the Eve Thermo on I'd appreciate the info! And also, in my photos you see the valve I've got. Do I need to take that off at all? Or does the adapter I will buy just fit on top of that?
Thank you, David
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Hello David! Thanks for the photo. You need to get the valve replaced with one suitable for Thermostats. The one you have is not it is just an on/off wheel. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi,I have a Westherm Four TVR, on a Comap value, and am struggling to find the correct adapter.
Are you able to advise which adapter I need. Thanks, Paul
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Hello paul,in case the Westherm is an M28x1,5, this would be the adapter you need:
Westherm M28x1,5 to M30x1,5
Best regards, Volker
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Hi Volker, Thank you that has worked perfectly. Paul