Discover your Thread Network
Routers, endpoints, nodes, partitions – this article is somewhat of a more technical description of Thread, the future-proof smart home networking technology that enables a new generation in your HomeKit-enabled smart home.
Make the most of Thread
First, if you haven't already installed the Eve app, you may want do so now. We recently added a feature conveniently named "Thread Network" in the Settings section, which can survey your home's Thread network setup and display a whole slew of information: Which accessories are connected to which other accessories? How is the network laid out? What connection quality does each Router have?
Surveying your Thread network works best when you have at least one Eve accessory that can act as a Router (more on that later) and when your iPhone or iPad is on the same local network as your HomePod mini.
We are actively working on improving the Thread Network view with each new release of the Eve app, and after reading this post, you will certainly be able to understand better what that is all about. And while these are just first steps in that direction, the Eve app delivers still much more than any other tool out there due to the capabilities and integration of the state-of-the-art Eve accessories.
Our goal here is to help you build smarter homes and make your daily life a little bit more convenient. Of course all while preserving your privacy, which continues to be one of our key pillars for everything we design and produce – absolutely no information about your network ever leaves your local devices.

How did we get here?
Before digging into what Thread is, let us briefly explore the history of the topic. The two original, native connectivity options for HomeKit-enabled accessories are Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy.
Both technologies have tradeoffs: While Wi-Fi usually offers a greater range and quicker response times, these advantages go hand in hand with a very high energy demand, making it unsuitable for battery-powered devices and a bad choice even for mains-powered accessories that would waste a significant amount of energy by using this technology. And as the number of Wi-Fi devices increases in a home, some internet routers are starting to struggle with so many devices or may even run out of allocated IP address range for the home network. In contrast, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is completely decoupled from the home network strain and highly energy efficient. Yet due to the protocol's constraints, Bluetooth connectivity is less responsive in larger setups and usually delivers a smaller range due to the low energy footprint.
Focusing exclusively on HomeKit-enabled accessories using native connectivity options, Eve naturally embraced both options, carefully choosing the appropriate technology for each accessory's use case. To mitigate some of the disadvantages of Bluetooth connectivity, Eve Extend was introduced to combine the advantages of both technologies for more demanding setups.
There is definitely awareness for all of these technological challenges across the industry, which sparked the development and broad support for Thread as the next-generation networking platform tailored to be used in the smart home, including Apple's strong commitment and inclusion as a pillar of HomeKit-enabled accessories.
Join us in being an early adopter
Why is Eve a first-mover on Thread you may ask? We are thrilled about all the advantages it has to offer. First, it is a peer-to-peer mesh network, which means the devices do not need a direct connection to a central hub to communicate with each other. Second, it is designed to be a self-maintaining and self-healing network, so even if some devices come and go, the connection will still be kept alive and the network will automatically reconfigure itself as needed. Third, it is designed from the ground up with the smart home in mind, which means a special focus is made on the battery life and power consumption for the devices that do not have a permanent power supply.
With Eve Door & Window, we are the first company to get a battery-powered HomeKit over Thread accessory in the hands of everyone. And this is just the beginning: we are in the process of updating our portfolio of Bluetooth-enabled accessories to include Thread connectivity in each product's new generation. So naturally, we've gathered a lot of knowledge around Thread, which we are eager to share. Enough introductory words, let's dive in!

Thread networking deep-dive
As stated earlier, Thread is a mesh network. Which means, the devices on the network can talk to each other independently of some bridge or central hub. Even more so, they can relay messages to other devices by passing them through so they reach some device otherwise inaccessible due to the range, walls, or other factors. And the network can organize itself independently if some devices disconnect from the network.
Thread Roles
The Thread network consists of two types of roles: Routers and Endpoints. And this role is not fixed – if a device is capable of routing, it can be either, depending on the current network situation and demands. Each device on a Thread network is called a node.
Let us dig deeper. Router nodes are meant to route information packets around the network. A Router node may have some Endpoints, too – the Router is considered a Parent. Mains-powered Thread accessories that are always on, such as Eve Energy, can act as Routers within your Thread network and relay data packets.

Endpoint nodes (also known as End Devices or Children) are the ones that are attached to a particular Router node and are not participating in the packet routing, but they still can send and receive. A Router-capable device can act as an Endpoint, but the devices that are meant to be Endpoint-only (also called Minimal Thread Devices), such as battery powered ones, cannot be a Router.
Each Router node has a connection to every other Router node; each Endpoint node only maintains a connection to its parent Router node.

The Thread network also has a so-called Leader node, which is responsible for promoting other capable Endpoint nodes to Router nodes and back. This is not something built-in, static or even especially important – any Router node is capable of being a Leader and these get elected in a somewhat random manner based on the current network conditions.
There is also a separate entity which is essential for Thread: A so-called Border Router. This is a Thread Router node that is also connected to your home network and that knows how to route information packets between the Thread network and the rest of your local network. Without the Border Router, your home accessories will not form a Thread network because they'd be unable to communicate with other devices outside of your Thread network, such as your iPhone. Instead, they will revert to their default Bluetooth connection (yes, all Thread-enabled accessories have dual connectivity – Thread and Bluetooth). Currently, the one and only Border Router for HomeKit over Thread is HomePod mini.

Joining the network
When a Thread-capable accessory is powered on after its setup, it will quickly check whether there is a Thread network available. If it is, the accessory will join the network with the valid network identifier and credentials provided by the Border Router. Upon joining, any Thread device becomes an Endpoint of one of the existing Routers. If it is capable of being the Router itself (in Thread terminology, this is called a Full Thread Device), it may be told by the Leader Node to upgrade itself to a Router, depending on the number of Router nodes already present in the network. If less than 16 Routers are in the network, the device will be designated as a Router. If there are already 16 Routers in the network, Thread will automatically optimize all roles for optimal coverage. A maximum of 32 Routers will ultimately form the Thread mesh network.
If the accessory is not capable of routing, it remains being an Endpoint. Still, it may change the Router node it connects to (its Parent) later, based on the connection quality that is being surveyed automatically across the Thread network.
Endpoint Characteristics
For Endpoint nodes, there is also a distinction in form of so-called Sleep Interval. Each Endpoint, depending on its physical characteristics, may be a Sleepy Endpoint or a Regular Endpoint. The idea is simple: if an accessory must by design conserve energy, it may choose to sleep for certain amount of time and then ask its Router whether there is anything of interest (similar to you having to click on the "Check Mail" button back in the days when it was not automatic). For example, Eve Door & Window has a sleep interval set to 5000 milliseconds, which means it wakes itself up every 5 seconds and asks whether there is something new for it to digest. Of course, it can wake up more often to transmit something important from its side – for example, when the door is opened. This sleep mechanism significantly helps preserving battery life.
What happens if you have a large house and there are problems with some accessories being unable to hold a reliable connection? If you have more than one Border Router-capable device (or, in other words, more than one HomePod mini), they may form two independent Thread networks that would still be technically cover your single home. Such independent networks are called Partitions. If the connectivity gets better, the disjointed Partitions will re-unite again and form a single network Partition, with all but one Border Routers stepping down to a regular node role.

Grow your network
What about the number of devices that any single Thread network Partition can handle? It will always have one Leader node, and up to 32 Router nodes. Each Router node may have up to 511 Endpoints. So, as you can see, the total capacity of the network is quite huge and should cover most modern use cases.
Stay tuned
With all this knowledge in mind, we hope you enjoy building your Thread network and watching it grow. In the Eve app, head to "Thread Network" in the Settings section to get a look behind the curtain of your Thread network and all the different roles and connections of your Thread-enabled accessories.
We'll be adding more explainers, guides as well as articles on Eve app updates that deliver new or improved Thread functionality. The Eve Blog is the go-to place for information on HomeKit over Thread, so stay tuned!
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The Thread Network screen for me shows a loader saying “Checking network status…” forever.Any ideas what to do to debug this further?
Is there a requirement to have at least one Eve product in the network to use this feature of the Eve app?
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Hello Joe! No, but you need at least one Thread Border Router, a HomePod mini or the new Apple TV 4K (2021). And a Thread enabled accessory. Best regards, Volker- Reply
I have the same situation and I have a HomePod mini. Is there something that I need to do to initiate the thread network?- Reply
Hello Clive! You need at least one Thread enabled accessory, check here if one of your Eve accessories ist: https://www.evehome.com/en/identify-your-eve-accessoryBest regards, Volker
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Dear Eve, Ive just get a brand new Eve Energy with thread to work in pair with my Others old (non thread) Eve Energy and with my Homepod Mini, but when I check the thread network on the Eve App, it shows that the new Eve (the thread one) is connected via Bluetooth (instead my other Thread accessory like nanoleaf essential bulb are connected via Thread). In the package and in the app the new Eve Energy appears like capable of thread capabilities.Thank you
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Hello Ivan! I assume the Eve Energy are in range to the HomePod mini, like 10-15 meters. In this case please try a tipp from Apple: Thread accessories might not use Thread following initial setup and instead use Bluetooth LE.Workaround: Move the accessory near the home hub, then toggle the accessory state several times. I would just pull the Eve Energy out for one minute and plug it in again. Wait 2-3 minutes then. If this does not help please open a ticket in our support system:
Best regards, Volker
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Hi, I have 2 Eve door sensors and a HomePod min, but the Eve app thread network only shows the endpoint sensors. It does not show the mini. What am I missing?- Reply
Hello AJ! To display the Tread Border Router (HomePod mini) we need a powered Thread enabled accessory from Eve like Eve Energy (US/UK/EU). It is needed to explore the complete Thread network. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hallo, bin gerade dabei mein Gartenhaus per Thread anzubinden. Funktioniert tadellos, auch über größere Reichweiten, auch wenn man etwas experimentieren muss. Da ich einen kleinen Heizlüfter zum Frostschutz benutzen will, wollte ich sicherheitshalber einen Eve Smoke einsetzen. Wie sieht es hier mit Thread aus? Ist dies geplant, wenn ja, wann? Neugeräte oder Update für „Altgeräte“? Bei dem nicht ganz unerheblichen Preis würde ich das gern vorher wissen, danke, Gruß Daniel- Reply
Hallo Daniel, vielen Dank für Deine Anfrage und Ihrem Interesse an unserer Eve Smoke. Sie ist aufgrund extremer Lieferschwierigkeiten unseres Produktionspartners zur Zeit leider nirgendwo verfügbar, und ein genaues Lieferdatum ist ebenfalls nicht bekannt. Es ist uns auch nicht möglich, Informationen über künftige Produkte oder den zeitlichen Rahmen ihrer Veröffentlichung bekannt zu geben. Über Neuigkeiten und Updates informiert unser Newsletter, für den Sie sich hier anmelden könnenhttps://www.evehome.com/de/newsletter
Viele grüße, Volker
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Curious if there is a way to know which appleTV or HomePod Mine is which in the thread view of the app. I see the RLoc digits are listed - apple thread router (XX), but how can trace this back to which apple device this is.Also I know I know the answer but the Eve Rooms are not showing up in the thread view - this is normal?
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Hello Stu! Sorry but we display the information the Thread network provides. You can't trace it back. The room for Thread Border Router is always set to Unknown Room as Thread does not provide the information. You can check Thread functionality as well with this tool: the app Discovery on iOS (https://apps.apple.com/de/app/discovery-dns-sd-browser/id305441017) or the version for the Mac (https://apps.apple.com/de/app/discovery-dns-sd-browser/id1381004916?mt=12). In the app at _hap._udp. you will find the Thread devices, at _meshcop._udp. your Thread Border Router (HomePod mini and/or Apple TV 4K 2021).Best regards, Volker
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If I use two HomePod Minis and 3 Nanoleaf Bulbs, and one Nanoleaf light strip. How many Thread extenders will that be? I’m trying to extend my Thread network as much as possible.- Reply
Hello Herbert! As you are having two Thread Border Router and four Thread Router this looks good in terms of range. Please check more in this blog post: https://www.evehome.com/en/blog/discover-your-thread-networkBest regards, Volker
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hello, I just got a HomePod mini and I have the eve energy (US) - a couple of the later, but when I go to the eve energy app, and look up the thread network, it says "Checking network status". Any thoughts?- Reply
Hello Sanjay! For using the Thread network you need to use the actual model Eve Energy (US). Please check the serial number of the Eve Energy (US).The serial number can be found on the bottom side of the device, S/N:…, or below the QR code and starts with two letters. Or in the App Eve at Settings > Accessories > Your Eve Energy > Arrow right from ID > Serial Number. Only if the serial number starts with VV this is the Thread enabled model Best regards, Volker- Reply
Guten Tag,ist es in irgendeiner Weise möglich das Eve Thermostat über Amazon Alexa Sprachsteuerung anzusteuern?
Vielen Dank. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ben
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Hallo Ben!Zumindest heute geht das noch nich. Das kann im Zusammenhang mit Matter im nächsten Jahr möglich sein, zumindest für das Eve Thermo (2020). Viele Grüße, Volker
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Hi there. I currently have 3 door sensors and 4 energy plugs. They all work fantastically as Thread devices with my Apple TV. When will you update the water leak sensor to be a full thread device? I am holding out hope that you will be the Thread accessory leader and am hoping to have more Thread accessories soon.- Reply
Hi John! The current generation of Eve Water Guard is not ready for Thread. We will be releasing new hardware generations of many Eve devices with Thread support in the coming months, but unfortunately can't give any further details on when this will be the case for Eve Water Guard at this time.Here's a list of all the currently available Thread-enabled Eve accessories:
I wish you a great weekend, Volker
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Hallo zusammen, immer wieder steht auch geschrieben, dass das Thread Netzwerk auch mit der neuen Apple TV 4K HDR erzeugt werden kann.Jedoch fügen sich meine nicht als Router in das System ein?
Mache ich hier etwas falsch?
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Hallo Thomas! Neben dem HomePod mini kann auch das neue Apple TV 4K (2021) als Thread Border Router arbeiten. Es wird wie ein Standard-Apple TV dem Zuhause hinzugefügt und arbeitet dann ohne weitere Konfiguration als Thread Border Router. Natürlich benötigen Sie auch Thread-fähige Geräte.Falls Fragen zur Einbindung bestehen, nutzen Sie bitte unser Support-System: https://www.evehome.com/de/support/ticket
Viele Grüße, Volker
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Sind auch Nanoleaf Shapes nach dem Update auf Thread in Netzwerk zu finden?- Reply
Hallo Martins! Nanoleaf Shapes unterstützen nicht als Gerät Thread, sondern stellen einen Thread Border Router zur Verfügung. Mit der neuen Firmware erlaubt Nanoleaf es anderen Geräte-Herstellern, mittels einer eigener API sich ins Nanoleaf-Thread-Netzwerk zu verbinden. Allerdings gibt es dafür (noch) keinen Support von Apple. D.h. es gibt kein dynamisches wechseln zwischen Thread und Bluetooth wenn Thread ausfällt.Nanoleaf Shapes werden also unter HomeKit nicht als Thread-fähiges Geräte angezeigt, weil sie das nicht sind und auch nicht als Thread Border Router für HomeKit. Viele Grüße, Volker
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My thread network just stopped working the other week. I’m running two Eve Aquas and two Eve Energys with a 4K Apple TV as the hub, google wifi as my network. All of these are thread certified and yet all I get is “connected via Bluetooth” or “unreachable”.I’ve really hit a wall trouble shooting it and could use help.
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Hello Todd!This is more a support question, please open a ticket a support ticket here:
Please provide the information what model exactly you have as Apple TV 4K and serial numbers the Eve accessories have.
Best regards, Volker
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Hello! I got useful information from your blog about how Thread works. I'm trying to figure out how thread works with devices that are in the same group. Does it send separate commands for each device or does it send a single command for all devices in the group just like the group commands in the zigbee protocol?- Reply
Hello Chris! The Thread Border Router (HomePod mini or Apple TV 4K 2021) communicates with the accessories where powered accessories can relay a command, battery powered are and endpoint. That's pretty much it. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi - Wondering when the North American Switch will support thread and if we need to wait for a next generation Switch or if your existing switches will be able to support thread in the near future. J- Reply
Hello Jay! The current generation of Eve Light Switch (US) is not ready for Thread. We will be releasing new hardware generations of many Eve devices with Thread support later this year, but unfortunately can't give any further details on when this will be the case for Eve Light Switch (US) at this time.Here's a list of all the currently available Thread-enabled Eve accessories:
Best regards, Volker
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Hi, and thanks for the article. I finally decided to start expanding my HomeKit setup after getting a HomePod mini a few months ago, and I love my 2 Eve Energy.Do you have plans to add a Plug-in Dimmer accessory? I currently have a dimmable floor plugged in to an Eve Energy, but I’d love to be able to use HomeKit to control the light level on it. The few options available on the market now do not support Thread, and I’d much rather get one that does, and even more so from Eve. Thank you!
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Hello Phong Le! As of today I am not aware of plans for a dimmable version of Eve Energy, sorry. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi , currently I’m using a few Eve Aqua’s with 2 extenders because of range problems I had.If I switch to Thread, do I still need the extenders?
I have a new Apple TV and bought 2 thread enabled eve energy plugs.
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Hello Antonie! If you are using the new model Eve Aqua it will use Thread and you have to free it from Eve Extend to use it. But it needs to be the new model, please check here: https://www.evehome.com/en/identify-your-eve-accessoryBest regards, Volker
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Hallo zusammen, warum wird bei mir in EveHome unter dem Thread Management angezeigt, das Thread gerade bei manchen Geräten über Bluetooth kommuniziert und manchmal über Thread? Als Boarder Router nutze ich den ATV4K 2021. Ich habe alles frisch aufgesetzt und habe trotzdem noch Verbindungsabbrüche, obwohl alle Eve Energy Geräte nur max. 3 Meter voneinander entfernt arbeiten. Das Thread die Verbindungsprobleme löst konnte ich bedauerlicherweise noch nicht feststellen. - Das macht mich echt unzufrieden :-/Habt ihr Tipps?
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Hallo Sven! Mit der Frage sind Sie im Support deutlich besser aufgehoben: https://www.evehome.com/de/support/ticketGrundsätzlich dauert es bis zu einer Minute, bis Thread-Netzwerk in der App Eve den Status anzeigt, die Verbindungen müssen erst geprüft werden. Dann ist auch die Frage, welche Geräte Sie einsetzen neben dem Apple TV 4K (2021). Viele Grüße, Volker
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I have a new Apple TV 4K 2021 that I was told is Thread-enabled. According to my iOS Eve app, my Thread network shows my 3 Nanoleaf Essential bulbs. Each of the bulbs is listed as a router, which is what I expected. However, the Apple TV is not listed as part of the Thread network. Is there a reason that the Apple TV does not appear in Eve App? The Apple TV appears to be working fine, works with Siri, and even appears as an accessory in the HomeKit app. I don't see anything in the Apple TV Settings that suggests Thread functionality has to be turned on in any way. Thanks in advance for any info you can give me.- Reply
Hello Ed! All works as expected. To show the Apple TV 4K as well in Thread Network a powered Thread enabled Eve accessory is needed, this would be an actual model Eve Energy (US/UK/EU). We need it to inspect the Thread network. But even without functionality is granted. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Great work from Eve to bring Thread to the HomeKit environment. I do have a few questions:- currently Eve Door does not reach my Apple TV 4K. If I get a new Apple TV with Thread support, is the range better than Bluetooth?
- I seem to remember that Nest Protect did / does support Thread. Will it work with Eve?
- I believe Eve motion does not support Thread. When will we see version that does support Thread?
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Hello Paul! Using the Apple TV 4K (2021) and the actual model Eve Door & Window will give you a bit more range compared to Bluetooth. But in difference to Bluetooth you may expand the network using a powered Thread enabled accessory 'half way. This could be an Eve Energy (EU/US/UK) or a Nanoleaf Essential bulb or light strip.As of today the Nest product won't. This may change within the next year with Matter but ne information so far, sorry.
The current generation of Eve Motion is not ready for Thread. We will be releasing new hardware generations of many Eve devices with Thread support later this year, but unfortunately can't give any further details on when this will be the case for Eve Motion at this time.
Here's a list of all the currently available Thread-enabled Eve accessories:
Best regards, Volker
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Hallo Volker, mir ist noch nicht richtig klar, ob nicht Threat fähige EVE „Altgeräte“ als „Children“ bzw. letztes Kettenende von den Threat fähigen Geräten eingebunden werden, oder ob diese ihren eigenen Weg zur Steuerzentrale finden müssen, also somit von der Reichweitenverlängerung nicht partizipieren.Übrigens, bei der AMV Fritzbox App gibt es eine graphische„Baumdarstellung“ des Mesh Netzwerkes. Es wäre toll, wenn Ihr etwas Ähnliches auf Threat bezogen auch in Eurer App einführen würdet.
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Hallo Andi! Bei Eve-Geräten, die Thread nicht unterstützen, fehlt ein Bauteil auf dem Chipset, der Sender/Empfänger für IPv6. Sie können folglich nichts in einem Thread-Netzwerk, sondern verbinden sich wie gehabt per Bluetooth.Die Darstellung eines Mesh-Netzes in der Fritzbox und des Thread-Netzes verfolgen grundsätzlich andere Ansätze. Deshalb haben wir die aktuelle Darstellung gewählt. Natürlich wird die immer weiter verbessert, wie alle Funktionen der App Eve. Viele Grüße, Volker
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I understand that the Eve Extend is a ‘Bluetooth extender’ so whilst it works off wifi it talks to its connected Eve accessories via Bluetooth.So if I am I a house and send a request from my iPhone to an Eve plug... it would try Bluetooth first and if can’t get a connection send the request out over wifi to the extend which would then Bluetooth the device? And if I have an Apple TV as a HomeKit hub, if I was sending in a remote request that would forward the request onto the Extend?
And presumably I could trial how effective an extend might work for me if I moved the Apple TV into the spot where I would place the Extend? It would effectively do the same job? Thanks
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Hello Peter! Eve Extend connects using Bluetooth with surrounding Eve accessories and transmits the signal using your Wi-Fi. It is the ideal solution for more remote locations in the home where you don't have Bluetooth range to the iPhone and the home hub. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Great article. I am in New Zealand and have just purchased an Eve power plug. I have also added an Apple TV HD located centrally in the house as a hub in Apple HomeKit.The plug works well in the house with a reasonable range. I understand that it’s a Bluetooth connection but seems pretty good. The issue is when I try it just under the wooden floor. (I have an outlet for outside lights I want to use it on) where the range drops dramatically. Nothing special with the floor.. just simple wood with some fibreglass wool insulation. In fact I virtually have to stand over the spot in the floor to get a connection.
I have checked the Eve app and the ‘Thread Network’ in settings and it says no thread network active.
I guess the plug is the only thread device and the Apple TV is not thread but does act as a hub. So when I switch the plug remotely I assume it will come to the Apple TV via wifi and the that Apple TV will send out a Bluetooth request.
So interested in any thoughts around the range as soon as I move it 6 inches under a wooden floor... and in theory I could presumably buy another thread device and place just above it on the floor and the the thread network will manage it all for me, although that would seem a bit like overkill. :-)
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Hello Peter! Eve Energy (AU) uses Bluetooth to connect to the iPhone or the home hub (Apple TV 4/4K). As the version of Eve Energy (AU) does not support thread, this is the only way. For remote access the Apple TV 4/4K must be in Bluetooth range. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hallo, habe ein Eve Aqua, Homepod mini + Eve Energy. Alle Geräte neu und Thread fähig. Updates installiert!In der Thread-Übersicht der Eve-App tauchen Eve Aqua als Endpunkt und Eve Energy als nicht erreichbar auf.
Klappt nur via Bluetooth (Eve Energy), wenn ich in der Nähe bin.
1. Wie weit kann der Homepod mini maximal von der Eve Enery entfernt sein?
Bisher: Andere Etage und am Ende des Hauses.
2. Warum wird der Homepod mini nicht in der Eve App angezeigt?
(Auch nicht unter unbekannter Raum) Der Raum ist gar nicht vorhanden.
3. Worüber kommuniziert der Homepod mini mit Eve Aqua und Eve Energy (solle es mal klappen) Wifi oder Bluetooth?
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Hallo Alex! Alles steht und fällt mit dem Eve Energy (EU). Sobald das Thread nutzt, wird auch der HomePod mini angezeigt. Da deine anderen Eve-Geräte Endpunkte sind, muss das Eve Energy halbwegs in der Nähe zum HomePod mini sein also maximal 8-10 Meter. Sollte das der fall sein, empfehle ich einen Soft-Reboot, zieh das Eve Energy einfach für eine Minute aus der Steckdose und steck es wieder ein. Reicht auch das nicht, platziere es zum Test näher am HomePod mini. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Ggf. wird auch ein älteres Modell des Eve Energy genutzt. Nur die neueste Version unterstützt Thread. Optisch sind die Versionen identisch. Eine Übersicht der Thread fähigen Geräte steht auf der Eve Homepage zur Verfügung.- Reply
Why is it that (in EU) that the Eve Energy is a router (aka requirement for Thread), but the Eve Energy Strip is useless here. I thought all powered Thread devices could act as routers next to the Homepod Mini Border router.