Product Features | Eve Light Switch

All features of Eve Light Switch

Apr 20, 2021 - Par Lars - Commentaires

Please note: This text refers to the EU version of Eve Light Switch (2nd generation)


Eve Light Switch is a HomeKit-enabled wall switch like no other. Find out just how easy it is to replace your current switch with a smart one that blends beautifully with the most popular models and converts your single or multi-bulb setup into an intelligent lighting system.


Most people think smart lighting means replacing conventional bulbs with LED lights. You can control LEDs with apps or voice commands, but you switch them on and off like regular lights. Replacing bulbs seems like a simple solution, but they’re not as convenient as you might think: Once an LED lamp is turned off using the wall switch, you can talk and tap all you want - it’s not going to respond. Now that’s not very smart. Enter Eve Light Switch. This fully-featured smart light switch gives you all the functionality of a regular switch combined with uninterrupted access to the convenience of connected lighting. 


Simply put: Eve Light Switch adapts optimally to your home and your habits. Not the other way around.


Eve Light Switch supports Bluetooth and Thread, and joins your Thread network automatically. As a router node, Eve Light Switch relays other Thread accessories’ data packages and enhances the stability and reach of your smart home. Thread accessories don’t need a proprietary bridge to communicate with each other – they simply need a Border Router, which for HomeKit over Thread is HomePod mini. Discover all you need to know about HomeKit over Thread here



Eve Light Switch comes with an elegant and timeless 55 mm switch plate and compatible frame, both in matte white. If your home is already equipped with a 55 mm design, then it’s easy to combine your existing single or multi-switch frames with the included switch plates. But don’t worry if the included design doesn’t fit your decor or dimensions: Opus offers many options that match the look, feel and size of some of the most popular models on the market. See for yourself here. It’s important to note that there is no industry standard for switch plates, so you’ll need to replace the plates as well because they won’t fit Eve Light Switch.


To install Eve Light Switch, it helps to have a good understanding of how electrical wiring works. That’s why we typically recommend hiring an electrician. Your building must be equipped with a neutral wire. And be sure to use only copper or copper clad wire in dry, indoor locations. Find complete installation instructions in our Quick Start Guide.

Adding Eve Light Switch to HomeKit

You can add Eve Light Switch using either the Eve or Home app. In the Eve app, go to Settings and tap Add Accessory. In the Home app, tap Add Accessory on the Home screen. The basic setup that follows (Siri name, room, type and adding to favorites) is the same in both apps. Eve additionally displays a summary including tips for usage, and you can also specify type, name and more. A sample Siri command appears based on the name you enter, which automatically adjusts as you make changes. Under Types, tap on the switch, light or fan icon that best fits your purpose.

Advanced features in the Eve app

While the Home app only allows you to turn Eve Light Switch on and off from the favorites and detail views, the Eve app gives you more advanced features. Below the power switch you’ll find a timeline showing you when and for how long Eve Light Switch was on. Tap on the little info button to display the data in a table. The app retrieves the data for the graph and list display from Eve Light Switch’s memory and saves it exclusively on your iOS device. 


At the upper end of the detail view you’ll find an expandable menu where you can jump right to the settings or, using the ID button, identify and locate that particular light switch (tap once to make the LED on the switch blink). In addition to selecting the room and type, you’ll find a number of other important options under settings. If you installed Eve Light Switch upside down, activate the opposite on/off orientation. This ensures your switch functions as expected: pressing the lower half of the switch will turn it on and the upper half will turn it off. 

The Status LED option controls when the green LED behind the switch illuminates – when the switch is on or off and how bright it should be (dark, medium, bright). This is useful when the switch is outside the room where the light is located.

Set the type of switch connected to Eve Light Switch in the external input settings if you are using the input as a cross or alternating switch.

The switch-off timer is ideal for stairways, hallways, laundry rooms and other areas where you typically only spend short periods of time. Simply set a duration after which Eve Light Switch turns the light off automatically and without any further programming or help from your home hub.

Autonomous schedules

Schedules are another feature you’ll find in the detail view. They are stored on the accessory itself and even run when Eve Light Switch is not connected to your iPhone or home hub. They’re perfect for countless purposes as you can add schedules based on sunrise or sunset. 

Tap on the gear icon to add a program.

Say, for example, you’d like to switch on the exterior light outside your front door in the evening. Simply select the days of the week, tap New Event, activate the option On, set the time to one hour after sunset and tap Add. Tap New Event again, activate the option Off, set the switch-off time to 11pm and tap Add. 

To set up a separate weekend program, select Add Program and repeat the procedure for Saturday and Sunday.

HomeKit automations  

You can create loads of convenience with your home hub and the automation features available in your Eve and Home apps. Program Eve Light Switch to turn on the kitchen light at sunrise, to make an exterior light react to movement detected by a sensor, and to control the light in the hallway as soon as HomeKit registers the arrival of your iPhone or that of an invited guest. 

Sunrise triggers HomeKit to turn on the kitchen light on weekdays. Open Eve > Automation > Rules and tap Add Rule followed by Continue. Next tap Add Trigger > Time > Sunrise or Sunset. Select the options “Sunrise” and “30 min before” and then the weekdays Monday through Friday under “Repeat”. Tap Add and Continue until you reach Scenes. Tap Add Scene followed by Add Actions. Select Kitchen from your rooms and activate the option Power > On for your Eve Light Switch. Then tap Add and Continue. Name your scene – like Morning Mood – and then tap on Done and Continue. Name the Rule  

Eve Motion detects movement outside your home and triggers HomeKit to activate the exterior lights. The light automatically turns off again based on the switch-off timer you set in the Eve app. To program the light to switch off after a preset time, open the Eve app and go to Settings > [Eve Light Switch] > Switch-off Time and then select the desired duration.

It’s already “after sunset” and the “first person” gets home. HomeKit turns on the light in the hallway based on these conditions and events. 

Siri examples

"Hey Siri, switch on the light in my [ROOM]."

"Hey Siri, switch on/off my [SIRI-NAME]."

"Hey Siri, is the light on in my [ROOM]?"


No bridge or starter set required.

Eve Light Switch works right out of the box. No additional accessories are required. Schedules are stored directly on the accessory itself, so they’re always executed without the involvement of any other devices.

For automations (such as controlling lights based on if you’re at home or away or via a motion sensor), you’ll need Apple TV or a HomePod as a home hub.


Increase the reach of your devices

Add HomePod mini to your home and your latest-generation Thread-enabled Eve Light Switch will be able to communicate via Thread – the mesh network that reaches even the farthest corners of your abode. This happens automatically without you needing to configure anything. A Full Thread Device, such as Eve Light Switch, can act as a router node and relay data packets from other Thread devices. 


To view the structure of your Thread network and see where you can make improvements, simply go to the Settings area of the Eve app and tap Thread Network. Among other things, you’ll be able to tell which nodes your Thread devices use to communicate and whether you can further improve the stability and reach of your network and devices by adding one more Eve Light Switch  or Eve Energy to your home.


100% Privacy

Eve accessories are designed to safeguard your personal data. All data is fully encrypted and only transferred directly between the Eve accessory and your iPhone, iPad or home hub. Strong encryption verification during each connection attempt makes sure that only you hold the key to your home. Learn more

Connected Wall Switch
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Supports Thread
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115 Commentaires
Ist es möglich angeschlossene Leuchten zu dimmen?
Apr 20, 2021
Hallo Stefan,
wie schon beim alten Modell ist keine Dimm-Funktion integriert, sorry. Viele Grüße, Volker
Apr 20, 2021
Hallo Volker, wann wird Eve light switch mit Thread zu kaufen sein? Und wird dieser dann auch als Router, wie Eve Energy fungieren? Grüße, Dietmar
Apr 16, 2021
Hallo Dietmar! Am 20. April ist der Verkaufsstart und ja, es ist innerhalb des Thread-Netzwerkes ein Router wie Eve Energy (EU). Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende, Volker
Apr 16, 2021
Hallo Volker, habe bei Amazon am 19.04. den light Switch bestellt.
Laut Amazon erst ab 21.04. versandfähig - was auf die neu Version mit Thread hindeutet.
Wärst du trotzdem so nett und mir ein Kürzel, aus der Seriennummer oder so zu nennen, mit dem ich vor dem Einbau sicher sein kann das es die neueste Version mit Thread ist?
Vielen Dank schon mal! Grüße Dietmar
Apr 20, 2021
Hallo Dietmar! Ich gehe stark davon aus. Das alte Modell ist als Vormodell gekennzeichnet. Aber zur Sicherheit kannst Du hier schauen:
Ansonsten beginnt die Seriennummer mit den Buchstaben: XV
Viele Grüße, Volker
Apr 21, 2021
Ich muss nochmal an die Frage von Armin andocken:
Kann ich den Schalter in HomeKit auch als Sensor einbinden, um damit andere von mir ausgewählte HomeKit-Geräte zu steuern, Home-Szenen zu aktivieren, etc.?
Mein Szenario wäre:
Ich installiere den Lichtschalter, der von mir aus noch nicht einmal direkt mit einer Glühbirne verbunden sein muss. Drücke ich den Lichtschalter, sollen aber automatisch von mir ausgewählte HomeKit-Steckdosen auf der Etage ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden.
Funktioniert das?
Mar 14, 2021
Hallo Marian! Damit Eve Light Switch überhaupt funktioniert, müssen Sie zumindest den neutralen Leiter (Nulleiter) verbinden, sonst hat er keinen Strom. Sie müssen zumindest auch eine Lichtquelle anschließen. Dann können Sie zusätzlich beliebige Szenen schalten. Viele Grüße, Volker
Mar 15, 2021
Peter Henning
Es wäre großartig, wenn ihr Doppelschalter auch hättet.
Mar 14, 2021
Hallo Peter, das ist aktuell leider nicht in Planung, ich gebe den Wunsch aber gern weiter. Einen schönen Sonntag noch, Volker
Mar 14, 2021
Moin moin, es wäre wirklich super wenn Doppellichtschalter von EVE kommen würden. Ich habe 6 Doppellichtschalter zu Hause und habe bisher kein passendes natives Homekit System gefunden mit dem ich die ersetzen kann, zumal ich bisher nur EVE im Einsatz habe.
Bitte macht da was. Danke.
Oct 15, 2021
Vielleicht wurde das schon in der Einleitung erwähnt, aber für mich ist noch nicht ganz klar ob es auch (sinnvoll) möglich ist smarte Leuchten (Ikea oder Philips Hue) mit diesem Schalter zu steuern.
Schaltet dieser Schalter immer den Strom ein und aus, oder ist er auch so implementierbar, dass er nur als Signalgeber für HomeKit konfiguriert ist? Kurz: Bleiben nach dem Ausschalten über den Schalter, die smarten Funktionen der Birnen bestehen?
Dec 19, 2020
Hallo Armin! Es macht keinen Sinn, Hue-Lampen oder solche von Ikea mit Eve Light Switch (EU) zu svalten. Das Gerät ersetzt einen normalen Lichtschalter mit ein/aus. Ausgeschaltet sind natürlich die genannten Leuchten samt der Kommunikationseinheit aus. Viele Grüße, Volker
Dec 21, 2020
Über eine Automation sollte es doch funktionieren, oder?
Dec 11, 2021
Hallo Chris! Klar, das geht natürlich immer. Schönes Wochenende, Volker
Dec 12, 2021
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