Enjoy a truly unforgettable holiday season by following a few tricks that will create the perfect mood and great surprises as if by magic.  


A holiday season greeting.  

Beautiful festive lights create the perfect mood – no matter if it’s for kids eagerly awaiting gifts or for when you arrive home after a long walk. Bring your fairy lights, table lamps and decorative illuminations to life all by themselves by creating a simple automation using an Eve Motion sensor and an Eve Energy smart plug. It's this easy. It's this easy.


Hey Siri, let's get festive!

Say goodbye to having to crawl behind the Christmas tree ever again by turning on your festive lights using Siri or your iPhone – for a cozy festive feeling at home for you and your loved ones with none of the hassle. All you need to do is hook up your Christmas tree lights to Eve Energy – and if you really like going overboard with the festive decorations, we have the perfect solution for you: the Eve Energy Strip triple outlet. 

Smart plug
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Requires iOS/iPadOS 16.4 (or later) / Android™ 8.1 (or later), Matter controller / Thread Border Router

Supports Matter & Thread
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