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Thanks for the quick reply.Just to clarify a couple of things please – my thermo's read the following:
1. Target 18C. Current 21C Offset -1.5C Activate @19.5C Green 'Heat to 18C'
2. Target 19C. Current 22C Offset -1.5C Activate @21.0C Green 'Heat to 19C'
3. Target 20C. Current 23C Offset -1.5C Activate @21.5C Orange 'Heating to 20C'
4. Target 19C. Current 22C Offset -1.5C Activate @20.5C Orange 'Heat to 18C'
5. Target 18C. Current 21C Offset -1.5C Activate @19.5C Green 'Heat to 18C'
Do I understand that correctly? Or do they start to open before the target temperature and adjust?
I am using an Energy to activate the boiler. That does work and turns on and off. My aim is to use the data from the Thermos to turn on the Energy and thus the boiler. I can use temperature readings from the Thermos to activate the Energy. I can't check that functionality until the weather gets colder, but what aspect have I missed that means they can't be automated? The scene seems to allow me to set this up. Thanks again. Graham