All features of Eve Aqua
Eve Aqua is a slick piece of hardware with software that takes ease of use to the next level. This feature-packed solution is effortless to fit, and makes it a breeze to connect your irrigation system to your HomeKit home.
The smart water controller screws on securely to your outdoor faucet, and thanks to the accessory's standard 26.5 mm / G ¾" thread you can fit regular hose pipes and other popular hose systems (such as from Gardena or Kärcher) with ease using the supplied hose connector.

Eve Aqua has a single onboard button, which starts or stops the flow of water at a touch. Touch it once and the valve will open. Eve Aqua will then shut off the flow of water automatically after a set duration, which you can customize in the Eve app – a really easy way to water your lawn without wasting precious water. Eve Aqua is also equipped with HomeKit technology, plus enough memory to store sophisticated schedules. This means you can start watering using your iPhone or by asking Siri – and if you've got a home hub, you can even do so while on vacation. You can also go one step further and use the Eve app to add schedules which are then stored on Eve Aqua – you've then got yourself a fully automated irrigation system.
The latest generation of Eve Aqua supports Bluetooth and Thread, and joins your Thread network automatically. Thread makes your smart home network more responsive, robust, and increases its reach – the only thing else you need is HomePod mini. You can even add Thread support to your latest-generation Eve Aqua simply by updating the accessory’s firmware. Discover if your Eve Aqua can support Thread by visiting www.evehome.com/identify.
Fit and get ready for use
You can fit Eve Aqua to virtually any regular outdoor faucet. Just ensure you screw the accessory all the way on to the faucet using your fingers and that it is fitted securely to prevent leaks.
To insert or change the batteries, use your thumbs to push down gently on the ribbed surface on the bottom of Eve Aqua and then slide the cover forward. The ribbon makes it easy to remove the batteries – just wrap it around them and tuck it fully into the compartment before closing the cover. If you leave it dangling outside, it can cause moisture to enter the housing and the battery compartment. Watch the installation video.

At the end of the gardening season, protect Eve Aqua, as you would do for most non-fixed irrigation products, against frost to avoid damage being caused to the moving parts, seals and fixings. It's best to unscrew Eve Aqua from the faucet, give the accessory a clean, open the valve, remove the batteries and allow everything to dry out nicely before putting it away for the winter.
With a standard thread, hose connector and ability to withstand a wide water-pressure range (anywhere between 1 bar/14.5 psi to 5 bar/72.5 psi), Eve Aqua is perfect for use with all regular irrigation systems. You can also fit it to a twin-tap connector, among other types of multi-channel distributors. With this setup, Eve Aqua is always supplied with water – and you still have one outlet free to hook up your regular hose. The possibilities truly are endless. Keep reading for further examples, such as how you can use a Gardena multi-channel distributor or even a micro-drip system for your patio plants with Eve Aqua.
Set up Eve Aqua
To launch the setup process, open the Eve app and go to Settings > Add Accessory. Scan the HomeKit code, add a unique name and assign the accessory to a room – before you’ve even had time to say "how did I ever manage before Eve Aqua?", the setup process will be complete. As you'll have already assigned Eve Aqua to a room, browse for the accessory in the "Rooms" view and tap on the name you gave Eve Aqua. The detail view of Eve Aqua brings all the key control elements together in one single command center for you:

Default Duration and Schedules
Eve Aqua is categorized as a "Sprinkler" within HomeKit. This means that the Home app offers a large virtual switch that allows you to choose between "Running" and "Off" as well as select the default run time in the settings. The duration you select determines how long the sprinkler runs for when you press the button on Eve Aqua, tap the switch in the app to set it to "Running" or ask Siri to start watering. You can also set this value using the Eve app or even by asking Siri, such as by saying "Set Sprinkler to 10 minutes".

Take practicality and ease of use to a whole new level by using schedules, as they allow Eve Aqua to operate autonomously with no manual intervention required on your part and no need for your iPhone or home hub to be nearby. You simply add them in the Eve app and send them to Eve Aqua where they're stored. This means that Eve Aqua always runs the schedule autonomously. The big advantage: your Eve Aqua will turn on and off automatically independently of a network or internet connection.
In the detail view of Eve Aqua, tap the gear icon on the bottom right of the Schedule segment. Now add a program and then select which days of the week you want it to run. Following that, add up to seven watering times (for further details, see our blogpost "Automatic multi-zone lawn and flowerbed irrigation made easy"). Here are three examples for a range of scenarios:
Pause watering if the weather's about to turn bad
To avoid wasting water, you should pause watering if the weather is going to do the job for you. The Eve app will help you do this, and save you from the hassle of having to first turn off schedules and then turn them back on again manually. To do so, in the detail view of Eve Aqua, tap the gear icon in the Schedule segment. Now tap Exceptions > Schedule Suspension and then turn on the Add to Suspension Scenes option in the following dialog. You can now respond quickly to weather changes and pause watering for the current day and/or for the next day too.

Increase the reach of Eve Aqua
Add HomePod mini to your home and your Thread-enabled Eve Aqua (2nd generation) will be able to communicate via Thread – the mesh network that reaches even the farthest corners of your abode. This happens automatically without you needing to configure anything. Simply position a Full Thread Device, such as Eve Energy, as close as possible to your Eve Aqua. The Eve Energy accessory will then act as a router node and relay data packets from Eve Aqua.
To view the structure of your Thread network and see where you can make improvements, simply go to the Settings area of the Eve app and tap Thread Network. Among other things, you’ll be able to tell which node Eve Aqua uses to communicate and whether you can further improve the stability and reach of your network and accessories by using an additional router node – such as by adding one more Eve Energy or moving one to a better location.
And the features keep on coming...
To fine-tune the Estimated Consumption measurement in the detail view of Eve Aqua, enter as accurate a value as possible in the Eve app under Settings > Accessories > [Eve Aqua] > Flow Rate. To calculate your flow rate, use a water meter. Alternatively, the easiest way is to take a bucket or container (whose volume you know) and time how long it takes to fill it with water output by all the components of your irrigation system. Then simply divide the volume by the time it took.
The Child Lock is another key feature in the accessory settings. Once turned on, it disables the button on the front of Eve Aqua so nobody can go playing practical jokes with your sprinkler.

Requires iPhone or iPad with the latest version of iOS/iPadOS

Requires iOS/iPadOS 16.4 (or later) / Android™ 8.1 (or later), Matter controller / Thread Border Router
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Liebes Eve-Team,ich hätte eine Frage zu Eve Aqua und den damit verbundenen Zeitplänen: Wie genau lassen sich die Bewässerungsintervalle in den Zeitplänen einstellen? Ist eine sekundengenaue Bewässerung bspw. für die Anwendung in Aeroponik oder Hydroponik-Systemen möglich? Idealerweise mehrere "Shots" unterschiedlicher Dauer und/oder Menge im Tagesverlauf? Das wäre phantastisch :-)
Viele Grüße
- Reply
Hallo Stephan! Bei Zeitplänen lässt sich die bewässerung nur in Minuten festlegen. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Bonjour j’ai le dernier modèle d’eve aqua, je peux lancer l’arrosage depuis mon téléphone mais la programmation semble désactiver, l’onglet Programme est grisé. Avez-vous une solution ?- Reply
Bonjour. Entrez l’emplacement dans l’app Eve dans « Réglages > Général ».- Reply
Does the Eve have an automatic shutoff that occurs in case of Homekit non connect or battery issues if the valve was open?- Reply
Hello Bob! Eve Aqua will shut off after 4 hours. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Bonjour,Je comprends que la connexion au réseau ne se fait qu'en bluetooth. Est-ce qu'un homepod et appleTV permet de connecter Eve Aqua au réseau et quelle est la portée de connexion vers une homepod ou apple TV.
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Bonjour,La connexion se fait en Bluetooth ou en Thread selon le modèle de Eve Aqua et le modèle de concentrateur HomeKit Apple (HomePod (mini) ou Apple TV 4/4K) utilisés.
La portée maximale de Bluetooth est d'environ 6-8 m sans obstacle, moins avec des obstacles tels que des murs, des portes, des plafonds, des escaliers, des baies vitrées, des personnes, de l'eau, etc. La portée maximale de la technologie Thread est d'environ 15 m sans obstacle, moins avec des obstacles tels que des murs, des plafonds, des escaliers, des baies vitrées, des personnes, de l'eau, etc.
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Bonjour,J’ai tenté d’automatiser l’arrosage un jour sur deux. J’ai tout programmé mais rien ne se déclenche.
Je tout effacé, tout supprimé, j’ai recommencé, mais rien n’yfait. La programmation ne s’enclenche pas à l’heure attendue. La pièce dans laquelle j’ai désigné l’arrosage signale que l’arrosage est « fermé ». Mais dès que je l’ouvre, cela déclenche l’arrosage. Par contre, avec la programmation, rien ne se passe. merci pour votre aide
- Reply
Bonjour. Merci de créer un ticket sur notre page de support technique : https://www.evehome.com/fr/support/ticket- Reply
Wie verhält sich die Logik im EVEaqua, wenn die Batterie zuneige geht? Schließt das Gerät bei kritischem Ladestand automatisch das Ventil?Ansonsten könnte es ja passieren, dass in meiner Abwesenheit die Batterie zuneige geht und das Ventil zuletzt aber geöffnet war und dann permanent offen bleibt, bis ich das Debakel bemerke.
Besten Dank für die Rückmeldung. Bin mit meinen anderen Produkten von EVEhome rundum zufrieden. :)
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Hallo Vincent! Das lässt sich leider nicht sagen, vermutlich bleibt das Eve Aqua in der letzten Position. Da Sie bei 20% Restladung eine Warnung bekommen und das für 2 Monate reichen sollte, ersetzen Sie die Batterien rechtzeitig vor dem Urlaub bitte. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
What is the model number of the latest Eve Aqua for the Australian market please?- Reply
Hello David! Please chek here:https://www.evehome.com/de/identify-your-eve-accessory
All the way on the top. Best regards, Volker
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Sagt mal, wie kann ich ein Bewässerungsprogramm mit 6 Einträgen mehrfach am Tag wiederholen?Viele Grüße
- Reply
Hallo Horst! Die Funktion zeitplan erlaubt sieben Bewässerungen am Tag. Wenn Sie mehr benötigen, müssen Sie zusätzlich Automationen anlegen, mit der Zeit als Auslöser und der Bewässerung in der Szene. Das setzt dann eine Steuerzentrale voraus. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Since there aren't the option for HomeKit-enabled on/off "Activity Notifications" on the Eve Aqua, it would be awesome if the Eve app could provide water on/off notifications. There's a high cost to issues with the water running (hose blowouts, forgetting to skip a day due to rain, etc.) and it would be awesome if it were simpler to get notifications to monitor usage.- Reply
Hello Matt! As Eve is HomeKit enabled, we can't, sorry. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hello All!I have a latest-gen Eve Aqua, and I realized that the pressure had decreased right after I installed the unit to my outdoor faucet. (Cca. 3l/min through the unit, instead of cca. 8l/min directly from the faucet)
Is there any possibility to raise the pressure back to the original? As I can imagine, if the valve is open, the water just runs through at the original speed, without any decrease. Or in worse case, may the valve itself faulty?
Thanks for the answer, BR,
- Reply
Hello SG! Due to technical reasons, the water flow is a bit less with Eve Aqua on as the diameter inside at the valve is less. This can't be changed/edited. Best regards, Volker- Reply
I have a couple of these and they have worked flawlessly. However I have one now that is showing a status of “running” in the eve app and “stopping” in the home app. Even if I switch it on and off it never gets to a status of off. I think it’s just a status issue as I have had someone go by the house to check that it is not actually running. This is installed in a second home. I recently upgraded the firmware. So I’m guessing it’s going to require a reset. Any suggestions as to how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.- Reply
Hello Carl! please open a ticket in our support system:https://www.evehome.com/en/support/ticket
Best regards, Volker
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Can eve Aqua be used with automations and scenes within HomeKit? For example… could a show y al from a leak sensor tell eve Aqua to turn off?- Reply
Hello Brian! Yes, you can use Eve Aqua in a scene where leak detection is the trigger. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Wir haben mehrere EVE Aqua.Bei 1 ist der Druck nach unserer Einschätzung stärker reduziert durch das Ventil als bei anderen, ist das möglich?
Wir haben 4 bar, wie hoch ist der Druck hinter dem Eve Aqua nach Ihren Messungen?
Liebe Grüße Dr. Schiemann
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Hallo! Bei allen Modellen Eve Aqua ist technisch bedingt durch das Ventil der Durchfluss ganz etwas verengt am Ventil. Der Wasserdruck muss im Bereich 1.5 bar liegen und variiert je nach Einstellung am Hausanschluss. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Hi,My Eve Aqua 7FBF turns off after about 20 seconds every time i turn it on, wether it is on the button or via the app?
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Hello Daniel! Please open the app Eve and goto Settings for Eve Aqua and set the Duration. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hallo!Wir haben die aktuelle Eve Aqua installiert, allerdings reicht der Wasserdruck beim Auslass nicht, um die Regner zu aktivieren.
Ohne zwischengeschaltete Eve Aqua funktioniert es tadellos.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Durchflussmenge zu erhöhen?
… sonst wäre die Aqua leider sinnlos für uns…
Lieben Dank!
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Hallo Sue! Der Durchaus ist am Ventile etwas verengt durch den Motor, das ist bei allen Modellen so und lässt sich leider nicht ändern, sorry. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
What happens if the battery is low / dying while the valve is open?- Reply
Hello Rene! It is a magnetic valve so it will close once the battery dies. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hallo, habe 3 eve Aqua und soweit so gut. Das eine funktioniert nun beim ausmachen nur Koch auf Knopfdruck - sprich die voreingestellten 15 Minuten funktionieren nicht.Kann ich da was reinigen usw. Damit es wieder geht? Gekauft im mai 2021.
Danke, Peter Hölzl
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Hallo Peter! Bitte öffnen Sie ein Ticket in unserem Support-System:https://www.evehome.com/de/support/ticket
Vielen Dank, Volker
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Hallo,habe folgendes Problem: Habe das neue Eve Acqua. Hat auch alles super geklappt. Ich musste dann aber die Apple Steuerungszentrale neu einrichten und dann Eve neu koppeln. Deswegen musste ich einen Reset durchführen. Danach neu gekoppelt und funktioniert auch mit Eve und der Apple Home App. Aber das an und ausschalten mit dem Knopf direkt am Gerät funktioniert nun nicht mehr. Auch nach nochmaligen Reset und auch Batterie entfernen. Geht der Knopf nicht mehr. Ich hoffe das Problem ist verstanden und Sie können mir helfen ? Vielen Dank. Klaus F.
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Hallo Klaus! Bitte öffnen Sie ein Ticket in unserem Support-System:https://www.evehome.com/de/support/ticket
Vielen Dank, Volker
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What's the maximum length of time you can set for a watering period? Can it be set to multiple days or even infinite? I'd like to use it control the shore water to my boat so that if I forget to turn it off during the week I could do it remotely.- Reply
Hello Jim! The max duration is 4 hours, sorry. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hallo. Beim schliessen des Eve Aqua gibt es einen extrem lauten Knall durch die Leitung, welche im ganzen Haus, so wie beim Nachbarn hörbar ist. Gemäss Sanitäre schliesst das Ventil viel zu schnell, was beim relativ hohen Wasserdruck zu diesem Knall führt. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Schliessvorgang etwas langsamer einzustellen? Gemäss Sanitär wäre dies besser und schonender für das ganze Leitungssystem. Beste Grüsse, Mike- Reply
Hallo Mike! Eve Aqua (3. generation) verwendet ein magnetisches Ventil, das sofort voll öffnen und schließt. Das lässt sich leider nicht einstellen. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Bonjour, je viens d'acheter le modèle 2,1, et je le guide via un iphone 13, sur l'application dans les automatisations je ne peux que activer marche arret et programmer le temps d'arrosage, mais je ne peux pas choisir de jour, les onglets "Minuteurs" et "Règles" ne sont pas accessibles, pourquoi?faut il acheter un concentrateur ?
pourtant vous indiquez qu'un iphone suffit ?
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Voir ma réponse envoyé aujourd'hui par courriel.- Reply
Hello !Je voudrais installer Eve Aqua pour remplacer un compteur de passage pour une habitation à appartements. Est-ce possible de disposer d’un relevé du total des consommations à une date donnée ?
Merci pour votre retour.
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Bonjour. Non, cela n'est pas possible.- Reply
Can eve be turned on via motion detector?- Reply
Hello Brian! Yes this is possible. Some customer use it to scare pets in their garden. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hello, is it possible to control the Eva Aqua with more than one Apple ID at the same time?- Reply
Hello Rodrigo! Yes, this is possible. You just need to invite the other person (her/his) iOS device to the homehttps://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208709
A home hub is mandatory here.
Best regards, Volker
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Hallo, mein Eve Aqua ist leider an einer Stelle montiert die ich nicht mit meinen beiden Eve Outdoor Cams überwachen kann… Gibt es eine Funktion wie eine Alarmsicherung die den Eve Aqua vor Diebstahl schützt? Oder kann ich in HomeKit einen Alarm einstellen, der auslöst sobald Eve Aqua außer Reichweite gerät?- Reply
Hallo Felix! Eine solche Sicherung gibt es leider nicht, sorry. Viele Grüße, Volker