All features of Eve Aqua
Eve Aqua is a slick piece of hardware with software that takes ease of use to the next level. This feature-packed solution is effortless to fit, and makes it a breeze to connect your irrigation system to your HomeKit home.
The smart water controller screws on securely to your outdoor faucet, and thanks to the accessory's standard 26.5 mm / G ¾" thread you can fit regular hose pipes and other popular hose systems (such as from Gardena or Kärcher) with ease using the supplied hose connector.

Eve Aqua has a single onboard button, which starts or stops the flow of water at a touch. Touch it once and the valve will open. Eve Aqua will then shut off the flow of water automatically after a set duration, which you can customize in the Eve app – a really easy way to water your lawn without wasting precious water. Eve Aqua is also equipped with HomeKit technology, plus enough memory to store sophisticated schedules. This means you can start watering using your iPhone or by asking Siri – and if you've got a home hub, you can even do so while on vacation. You can also go one step further and use the Eve app to add schedules which are then stored on Eve Aqua – you've then got yourself a fully automated irrigation system.
The latest generation of Eve Aqua supports Bluetooth and Thread, and joins your Thread network automatically. Thread makes your smart home network more responsive, robust, and increases its reach – the only thing else you need is HomePod mini. You can even add Thread support to your latest-generation Eve Aqua simply by updating the accessory’s firmware. Discover if your Eve Aqua can support Thread by visiting www.evehome.com/identify.
Fit and get ready for use
You can fit Eve Aqua to virtually any regular outdoor faucet. Just ensure you screw the accessory all the way on to the faucet using your fingers and that it is fitted securely to prevent leaks.
To insert or change the batteries, use your thumbs to push down gently on the ribbed surface on the bottom of Eve Aqua and then slide the cover forward. The ribbon makes it easy to remove the batteries – just wrap it around them and tuck it fully into the compartment before closing the cover. If you leave it dangling outside, it can cause moisture to enter the housing and the battery compartment. Watch the installation video.

At the end of the gardening season, protect Eve Aqua, as you would do for most non-fixed irrigation products, against frost to avoid damage being caused to the moving parts, seals and fixings. It's best to unscrew Eve Aqua from the faucet, give the accessory a clean, open the valve, remove the batteries and allow everything to dry out nicely before putting it away for the winter.
With a standard thread, hose connector and ability to withstand a wide water-pressure range (anywhere between 1 bar/14.5 psi to 5 bar/72.5 psi), Eve Aqua is perfect for use with all regular irrigation systems. You can also fit it to a twin-tap connector, among other types of multi-channel distributors. With this setup, Eve Aqua is always supplied with water – and you still have one outlet free to hook up your regular hose. The possibilities truly are endless. Keep reading for further examples, such as how you can use a Gardena multi-channel distributor or even a micro-drip system for your patio plants with Eve Aqua.
Set up Eve Aqua
To launch the setup process, open the Eve app and go to Settings > Add Accessory. Scan the HomeKit code, add a unique name and assign the accessory to a room – before you’ve even had time to say "how did I ever manage before Eve Aqua?", the setup process will be complete. As you'll have already assigned Eve Aqua to a room, browse for the accessory in the "Rooms" view and tap on the name you gave Eve Aqua. The detail view of Eve Aqua brings all the key control elements together in one single command center for you:

Default Duration and Schedules
Eve Aqua is categorized as a "Sprinkler" within HomeKit. This means that the Home app offers a large virtual switch that allows you to choose between "Running" and "Off" as well as select the default run time in the settings. The duration you select determines how long the sprinkler runs for when you press the button on Eve Aqua, tap the switch in the app to set it to "Running" or ask Siri to start watering. You can also set this value using the Eve app or even by asking Siri, such as by saying "Set Sprinkler to 10 minutes".

Take practicality and ease of use to a whole new level by using schedules, as they allow Eve Aqua to operate autonomously with no manual intervention required on your part and no need for your iPhone or home hub to be nearby. You simply add them in the Eve app and send them to Eve Aqua where they're stored. This means that Eve Aqua always runs the schedule autonomously. The big advantage: your Eve Aqua will turn on and off automatically independently of a network or internet connection.
In the detail view of Eve Aqua, tap the gear icon on the bottom right of the Schedule segment. Now add a program and then select which days of the week you want it to run. Following that, add up to seven watering times (for further details, see our blogpost "Automatic multi-zone lawn and flowerbed irrigation made easy"). Here are three examples for a range of scenarios:
Pause watering if the weather's about to turn bad
To avoid wasting water, you should pause watering if the weather is going to do the job for you. The Eve app will help you do this, and save you from the hassle of having to first turn off schedules and then turn them back on again manually. To do so, in the detail view of Eve Aqua, tap the gear icon in the Schedule segment. Now tap Exceptions > Schedule Suspension and then turn on the Add to Suspension Scenes option in the following dialog. You can now respond quickly to weather changes and pause watering for the current day and/or for the next day too.

Increase the reach of Eve Aqua
Add HomePod mini to your home and your Thread-enabled Eve Aqua (2nd generation) will be able to communicate via Thread – the mesh network that reaches even the farthest corners of your abode. This happens automatically without you needing to configure anything. Simply position a Full Thread Device, such as Eve Energy, as close as possible to your Eve Aqua. The Eve Energy accessory will then act as a router node and relay data packets from Eve Aqua.
To view the structure of your Thread network and see where you can make improvements, simply go to the Settings area of the Eve app and tap Thread Network. Among other things, you’ll be able to tell which node Eve Aqua uses to communicate and whether you can further improve the stability and reach of your network and accessories by using an additional router node – such as by adding one more Eve Energy or moving one to a better location.
And the features keep on coming...
To fine-tune the Estimated Consumption measurement in the detail view of Eve Aqua, enter as accurate a value as possible in the Eve app under Settings > Accessories > [Eve Aqua] > Flow Rate. To calculate your flow rate, use a water meter. Alternatively, the easiest way is to take a bucket or container (whose volume you know) and time how long it takes to fill it with water output by all the components of your irrigation system. Then simply divide the volume by the time it took.
The Child Lock is another key feature in the accessory settings. Once turned on, it disables the button on the front of Eve Aqua so nobody can go playing practical jokes with your sprinkler.

Requires iPhone or iPad with the latest version of iOS/iPadOS

Requires iOS/iPadOS 16.4 (or later) / Android™ 8.1 (or later), Matter controller / Thread Border Router
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Ist eine Homekit Steuerzentrale optional? Ich würde gerne eine thread fähige Variante kaufen und ohne Steuerzentrale betreiben, also nur per Bluetooth und iOS App.Sobald dann irgendwann Matter freigeschaltet wird erhoffe ich mir den vollen Funktionsumfang.
Geht das?
- Reply
Hallo! Ds können Sie machen. Matter setzt dann einen Thread Border Router voraus. Zusätzliche Funktionen wären dann aber nur die Steuerung über Google Home oder SmartThings. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Hallo, wir haben einen Kleingarten ohne WLAN, bei dem ich die Bewässerung steuern möchte. Bisher über Pumpen in Kombination mit Zeitschaltuhren an den Steckdosen der Pumpen, die in 2 Bereichen an Regentonnen hängen.Wasser liegt aber auch an.
Kann die Eve Aqua nach Einrichten auch nur solo laufen (ggf mit Gardena Verteiler) und via Bluetooth regelmäßig Update / neue Zeitpläne erfahren? Denn das Wasser in den Regentonnen genügt erfahrungsgemäß leider im Hochsommer nicht.
Oder hat jemand nen Tipp, wie ich mobil WLAN in den Garten bekomme? Vodafone hatte mal ne Box mit einer SIM drin, von der aus dann lokales WLAN ging. Grüsse, Steffen
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Hallo Steffen! Das wird aus mehreren Gründen nicht funktionieren. Eve Aqua setzt einen Wasserdruck von 1-5 bar voraus, Regentonnen liefern den nicht. Zeitpläne können Sie nutzen ohne Probleme aber nur ändern, wenn Sie vor Ort sind, zumindest wenn kein WLAN/Internetverbindung vorhanden ist. Hier bräuchten Sie zudem eine Steuerzentrale. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Welche Abmessungen sind Höhe-Breite-Tiefe , gibt es eine Maßzeichnung?Liebe Grüße Alexander Schiemann
- Reply
Hallo Alexander! Die Abmessungen sind 77 x 95 x 128 mm. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Der eve aqua ist ja für den Anschluss an einen 3/4“ Wasserhahn geeignet - so viel habe ich schon herausgefunden, aber mindert der eve aqua Durchflussmenge oder Druck oder ändert sich durch die Montage nichts an Durchflussmenge oder Druck?- Reply
Hallo Thomas! Der Durchfluss ist etwas verringert, technisch benötigt das Ventil etwas Platz. Viele Grüße,Volker
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Hello,i have problems with the old model 20EBM8101. After about 5/6 months of work it does not close perfectly and water continues to come out.
This problem does not occur with the new 20ECC8101 model and from the noise it seems that it has a different opening/closing system. If my hypothesis is correct I will continue to use the new model but in the meantime I ask if you have any suggestions for solving the problem on the old model so that I can reuse it without running the risk of flooding the terrace.
Thanks in advance and best regards
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Hello Paolo! The latest model has a magnetic valve. Best regards, Volker- Reply
I have an Eve Aqua unit and an Eve Window/Door sensor and want to be able to pause the watering schedule if the window is open. How would I create a condition for this?- Reply
Hello Ben! The trigger would be opening the window and the screen to turn off Eve Aqua. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Did anyone find the bad weather exclude feature mentioned in the help file?- Reply
Hello Philippe, please check the paragraph on "Pause watering if the weather's about to turn bad " in this post. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hello, I have the Eve Aqua and the Eve Weather. Is it possible to suspend watering depending on a weather forecast of the Eve Weather? If yes, how to setup this.- Reply
Hello Reggy! You may set an automation with the weather trend from Eve Weather as a trigger to not water. But this is only a trend, based on the barometric pressure of the last 12 hours. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Eve Aqua I have is on a presssured line with a float valve at the end. While Eve Aqua is scheduled to release water into the pressured line w/ float valve 2 times a day for 10min interval, it does not accurately count the water consumption. I am topping off a 50 gall fish pond after evaporation with is about 5 gallon worth of water twice a day. Eve Aqua inaccurately measures that amount and time and indicates 95 gallons water consumed twice a day.The fish pond is only 50 gallons, and there are no leakins in my water line.
Device works as expected (after I added Mini-home), except for measuring water consumption accurately.
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Hello Aldov! Eve Aqua does not measure the water flow, sorry. Using a water flow meter (starting at USD $20) is the most convenient way. Alternatively, use a measuring bucket to collect a minute’s worth of water from each outlet in your system. Once found out set it in the app Eve inSettings > Accessories > Eve Aqua > Flow Rate
Best regards, Volker
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On the US-specific webpage for Eve Aqua < https://www.evehome.com/en-us/eve-aqua > the little video in the middle of the page uses French language titles for information about the product. Surely there's an English version available? Thanks!- Reply
Hello Kara! The Eve aqua is US of cause. The US version comes with the specific thread used in the US. Best regards, Volker- Reply
can Eve Aqua work with gravity fed water? or is there a minimum pressure to make the valve work?- Reply
Hello Sean!Eve Aqua needs a Water Pressure: 1-5 bar / 14.5- 72.5 psi / 100-500 kpa
Best regards, Volker
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Can this send an alert or notification if it detects a leak/increased flow on a irrigation system, e.g. if a pipe pops off.- Reply
Hello Richard! Unfortunately HomeKit/Apple does not provide this so we can't either. Have a great weekend, Volker- Reply
Hallo Volker,wir nutzen nun Eve Aqua seit zwei Jahren sehr erfolgreich und bewässern damit unsere Terrasse. Nun ist unsere Terrasse sehr gross und wir benötigen einen 6fach-Verteiler von Gardena, welchen wir bis anhin auf drei aufteilten. Jeder Schlauch kriegt für 3min Wasser, dann wechselt der Verzeiler den Schlauch - drei mal Morgens und drei mal Abends gibt 6 Programme. Nun ist Ece Aqua auf 7 Programme limitiert, könnte man dies erhöhen? Wir würden gerne 4 Schläuche damit Bedienen, die Aternative wäre auf ein Gardena System umzusteigen.
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Hallo Randy! Das geht technisch leider nicht, bei Zeitplan ist bei sieben Bewässerungen Schluss. Du kannst natürlich Automationen nutzen mit der Zeit als Auslöser und Bewässerung in der Szene. Das machen viele Kunden mit Gardena 6-fach Verteiler, um zweimal sechs Bewässerungen am Tag zu haben. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Hello, Can a trigger within homekit be used to turn on the water? To be exact, I am looking for any Homekit compatible motion sensor that can turn on the water. Furthermore, it seems the aqua is out of stock. Any ETA on availability or is it being discontinued?Thank you.
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Hello Mike! Sure you can use a motion Ensor like Eve Motion as a trigger for Eve Aqua watering. Eve Aqua should be in stock again within a few weeks. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Is there a procedure for updating firmware in Eve devices, or is that some thing that’s done automatically from the app?- Reply
Hello Rolando! In case a firmware update is available you will be noticed in the app Eve, look for a red dot above Settings in the tab bar and follow. The update won't happen automatically, you have to start the process in Eve manually. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi,Could Eve aqua be used for nebulizing? That would need an irrigation program of less than 1 minute, repeated for example every 15 min and scheduled between 11am and 6pm.
Would that be possible using only Eve Aqua, or is it needed a HomePod Mini ...
Thank you!
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Hello Pau! The function Schedule allows 7 waterings per day. As you need more a home hub is mandatory like a HomePod mini. You may then set up the automations you need with the time as the trigger. Best regards, Volker- Reply
I bought 2 products and one of them came with the internal thread groove already worn out. Is it possible to change only this part, so that it fits perfectly into the faucet?- Reply
Hello Rodrigo! As there are no spare parts for Eve Aqua please get the accessory replaced by the retailer. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hallo Volker,kann man Eve-Aqua auch für Warmwasser verwenden und wenn ja, was wäre die maximale Temperatur?
Beste Grüße Klemens
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Hallo Klemens! Es funktioniert auch mit Warmwasser, maximale Temperatur ist 50 Grad. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
Hallo Volker, gibt es eine Möglichkeit, ein optisches oder akustische Signal (oder anderes Feedback) aufs iPhone zu erhalten, solange Eve Aqua läuft. Das würde einem ein sicheres Gefühl geben?VG Stefan
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Hallo Stefan! Leider bietet das HomeKit nicht, also können wir das leider auch nicht, sorry. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
What is the bluetooth range of the Eve Aqua? If you get out of range, does it close the valve?- Reply
Hello Buck! The Bluetooth range to the iPhone or home hub is 6-8 meters / 20-25ft. In case you are using the latest model and a Thread Border Router (HomePod mini and/or Apple TV 4K 2nd generation) it will connect using Thread with more range. Leaving / arriving in range has no effect on the valve status. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hi,Is it possible to have 2 Eve aqua in the same home ?
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Hello Eric! This is not problem at all. I would recommend then for better finding both (or more) in the app Eve or Home to set names like Eve Aqua left or right or backyard and so on. Best regards, Volker- Reply
It would be nice to have the ability to program to water on odd or even days of the month. Many municipalities regulate when you can water lawns based on your house number and odd/even days of month.- Reply
Hello Anne! I have forwarded your request to the developers, thank you very much! Have a great start into the new week, best regards, Volker.- Reply
Dear Volker,the Eve Aqua unfortunately breaks very easily at the connection point to the water inlet. I have already broken 2 devices within a year. Will there be a product update and if so when?
Thank you very much!
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Hello Chris! Sorry, but I can't talk about future product plans. Best regards, Volker- Reply
Hallo,ich besitze Eve Aqua und Weather. Bei Aqua habe ich einen täglichen Bewässerungsplan erstellt. Nun soll bei Regen nicht bewässert werden. Dafür habe ich eine Regel erstellt, dass bei einer Luftfeuchtigkeit über 70% Aqua gestoppt wird. Dafür habe ich eine Szene „Aqua Stop“ definiert.
Nun meine Frage: Wird die Regel ausgeführt wenn der Grenzwert überschritten wird (also nur 1x) oder bleibt Aqua immer geschlossen, wenn der Grenzwert überschritten ist. Letzteres wäre wünschenswert, damit alles automatisch läuft und es wirklich smart ist.
Grüße Martin
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Hallo Martin! Ein Auslöser in einer Regel ist immer eine Wertänderung. Wird also hier der Schwellwert erreicht oder überschritten, wird die zugehörige Szene ausgeführt. Dabei ist egal, was später passiert. Im Allgemeinen brauch mach bei Automationen wie der, die Sie einsetzen deshalb zwei Automationen, eine weitere, die etwa eine Szene enthält, die auf Aus schaltet. Viele Grüße, Volker- Reply
HeyIch habe einen Eve Aqua und würde den gerne mit einem Bewegungsmelder koppeln
Ist dies möglich ?
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Hallo Andre! Ich kenne einige Kunden, die das so machen, etwa um Tiere zu verscheuchen. Sie benötigen natürlich eine Steuerzentrale, da es sich um eine Automation handelt. Wir empfehlen die Nutzung eines Apple TV 4/4K oder HomePod/mini. Viele Grüße, Volker